HR services

HR services support a company’s business and develop the organisational culture, making it more agile and proactive. When customer promises are kept at the heart of HR and the full life cycle of an employment relationship is being managed, the company can quickly react to any changes in its operating environment. Well-functioning HR gives a company a competitive edge, and the Rantalainen HR services focus on developing this further.

HR partnerships are at our core

HR supports a company’s business and develops the organisational culture, making it more agile and proactive. When the employee experience is kept at the heart of business-centric HR work, and when the full life cycle of an employment relationship is managed well, the company can quickly react to any changes in their operating environment. We at Rantalainen want to be involved in creating the future of HR work – together with our customers!

The basis for our HR services is that our clients will get to know the success and risk factors of their personnel and are able to utilise this information in planning and developing their business. We strive to be proactive, meet the challenges of working life and find the solutions even before any problems occur. We want to be a partner to our customers, working together to reach our common goals.

Seeking out external help with HR is a cost-efficient way for companies to discover the key areas in their human resource management. Rantalainen will take hold of the situation comprehensively and skilfully, saving time by preventing uncertain and unplanned actions.

HR services from people to people


HR manager services

Continuous service customised to your needs

HR Help Desk

Low-threshold employment advice

Salary contact person

Coordination of wages and salaries at the customer’s end

Legislated HR documents

Product packages on what the employer needs

HR projects

HR review, competence review, employer branding... ask for details!

Why should you choose an external HR partner?

Comprehensive overall service

We become just as close to you as you and your personnel want. We help with everyday ad hoc situations, develop your HR management strategically, assume an important role as an employment advisor and spar with the supervisors and management. Just as much or as little as needed.

Personal HR partner

Each of our HR manager service customers have an expert appointed to them, who spars with them, guides, helps and develops your HR operations in accordance with your business strategy. These experts also have the support of our motivated HR team where HR professionals come together to look for the best solutions to any challenges in working communities.

Saving time and trouble

Focus on the core duties of your company and let us take responsibility for your HR processes and developing your working community, to the extent you see fit. We translate the legalese of laws and collective agreements for you, utilise our comprehensive network in challenging situations and provide substitutes to our own experts when needed.

Minimising risks

We are a cost-efficient service that you can utilise when needed – we only charge for the work done. If your appointed HR contact person e.g. falls ill or seeks out new challenges, another person from our HR team will take their place. We will also provide support if your own HR experts have a temporary, longer leave.

Identifying development targets

We have functional and tested tools for identifying critical development needs. Together with you, we will create HR goals that support your business and use the development plan to guide us towards improved HR practices. Our goal is to serve the individual needs of each of our customers.

Future is insight

We know our operating environment and live the change into reality within the work communities. We interpret the legal changes for you and introduce them in daily life: what do the changes mean from your perspective? We aim to predict the future and analyse information so that you will have the best possible prerequisites for developing the well-being and productivity of your personnel.

HRM expertise

Many companies do not have separate HR management experts, but rather HR management is often an afterthought. The HRM expert services by Rantalainen are a continuous service that supports customer companies that require expert consultation for their HR affairs. The vast expertise of Rantalainen can be utilised in areas such as highly challenging employment relationship issues or as a continuous service if the company does not have its own HR department. Our experts will support the customer in employment relationship matters and HR manager services.

We offer a wide range of HRM expert services, such as:

  • HR projects (e.g. occupational safety and health inspections, cooperation negotiations)
  • Advice for employment relationship matters
  • Compiling legislated personnel plans
  • HR manager services, i.e. outsourced HR
  • Phone services
  • Start-up package for a new employer

HRM systems

HR digitalisation ensures that the HRM systems’ HR management processes take place in a digital environment. An HRM system makes HR functions more efficient and saves time for more important work, such as personnel development and supporting well-being.

The HRM system includes the following functionalities, among others:

  • The HR management of the HRM system can be integrated with payroll, giving payroll the information they need directly without a middleman.
  • The full life cycle of the entire employment relationship, from recruitment to development discussion and the end of the employment, can be managed digitally within the HRM system.
  • The system will remember things for you, giving you reminders on probation discussions, anniversaries or refresher courses on first aid, for example.
  • Different HR reports can also be created in the HRM system to support strategic guidance.

Contact us and ask for details!

HR reporting

HR reporting allows measuring and analysing how the company’s measures and the goals agreed together with the personnel have been achieved. More information on the reporting tool.

Contact us and find out more

Saana Heikkilä

Palvelupäällikkö, PHT

010 321 6507