Updated 06/2024

Data Protection / GDPR

In this page we have gathered information on how Rantalainen’s data protection policies regarding GPDR (General Data Protection Regulation), which came into force on 25.05.2018. The GDPR contains obligations to companies who process personal data.

GDPR in a nutshell

The GDPR contains new obligations regarding processing of personal data and data protection. Integral in the new regulation is the risk-based approach and data controller’s obligation to demonstrate that its processing activities are compliant with the requirements of the GDPR. The Data controller is required to handle sensitive data with caution. Additionally, the data controller must be able to demonstrate that it is operating according to the regulation.

Additional information about the GDPR can be found from: Data Protection Ombudsman

Rantalainen’s contractual reform 2024

Rantalainen will update the new TAL2023 conditions to all existing service agreements. Simultaneously we will update our documentation regarding data protection, including the data processing agreement. The update will be implemented during spring 2024 and informed to our customers separately.

The contracts will be updated digitally. The contact persons of our clients will receive a link through which they can digitally sign and accept the new conditions. If the client wishes, the contract update can be delivered and signed in paper form.

Updated service agreements

The updated service agreements consist of the documents below.

Attachment Description Download
Accounting services contract Customer specific contract regarding the production of services
General conditions Taloushallintoliitto’s general conditions (TAL2023)
RAN DPA2023 Personal data processing agreement RAN DPA2023
Attachment 1-A Personal data processing activities at Rantalainen
Attachment 1-B The Accounting Firm’s Data Security of Personal Data
Attachment 1-C A record and instructions on personal data processing provided by the client
Attachment 2-B Information security of personal data in software

Rantalainen as a personal data processor

Information security in ensured by both technical and organizational measures. Personal data processing is executed in a appropriate and secure manner. Personal data processing and data security is illustrated in the documents above attachment 1-A and 1-B.

Software and subcontractors used by Rantalainen

Software used by Rantalainen, software providers and subcontractors who are responsible for them are for their part personal data processors. Below we have listed links to the software providers and subcontractors data security web sites. Additionally, the data security of different softwares is illustrated in the attachment 2-B.

Data Protection Officer

You can contact Rantalainen Gropus’s acting data protection officer at tietosuojavastaava@rantalainen.fi.

Your contact person in contractual issues

Primarily service managers, service executives and your personal contact person will address your questions. However, if you prefer you may also contact the persons below.

Joni Tapiola

Lakimies, varatuomari

Toni Borgman

Järjestelmien tekninen suojaus

045 329 8511

Toni Takala

Järjestelmien tekninen suojaus

044 753 5706